Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I Take It Back!

Yes. I take back my blog from the other day. I take back the happiness 100%. Except for whatever I said about Eli. He's still on my good side.

After I woke up and the homecoming feeling wore off, in the light of day I took closer inspection of the house. So my husband prepared me for a clean and upkept house, that's what I expected. Silly me. Silly me. Ohhhhhhhhh for shaaaaaaame! The house was in the kind of condition you would expect when you left for a while and left teenagers in charge. Only last minute cleaning. And ALL of it is done wrong. As in, I had to rewash all laundry because a) none of it was folded and b) none of it was all the way dry. Cool. I already had planned on doing thirteen extra loads to wash all of Eli's baby clothes, but now I have to rewash like seven loads plus blankets that were clean but left out for the cats to lay all over for a month. Seriously upsetting.

Also, we have wood floors. Wood floors and three cats is A LOT of hairs. They are gross and get everywhere and stay in only the most annoying places. Basically, like twice a week all the furniture needs moved to sweep under it. Can you guess? Andy has done this zero times. And he didn't do the stairs. I cannot express to you enough just how freaking disgusting this is. Like, I'm afraid I'll get arrested!! So I've been sweeping a lot (like with a broom) and moving furniture. Because my husband PROMISED me he cleaned so well.

I am not a picky girl! But clean means clean.

So all afternoon yesterday, I cleaned out the basement, purging style like how he was supposed to while I was gone because it's not really pregnant work. I threw everything away. Everything was disgusting! Of the baby stuff that I kept, it all needs hosed down. And maybe this is just bitching, but it's gross because my darling husband (i'm just going to pretend he's gay from now on. So he's not my business anymore.) put all the baby stuff under the open stairs next to the litter boxes. Do you know what I mean by under the open stairs? That's where all the dirt in the world goes to hang out forever. And lots and lots of spiders. And the litterboxes (two) are there, so everything smells like ammonia and is coating in litter. The reason I did not move the baby stuff sooner is because it was hidden behind even more ridiculous stuff and I just didn't notice it. But the basement needs wiped clean out before summer or else everything will get moldy because it's an unfinished basement in a super humid place.

This is a lot of talking.

Even though I'm still angry for marrying such a poop, I'll digress.



  1. Oh good Lord. Sorry. Does that mean you need clothes now?

  2. No. Just a new husband. Or none at all.
