Sunday, February 12, 2012

Gossip Girl

Do you NOT love this video?

So she's Gossip Girl. And so am I.

Not really. But I am going to act like her right now. Well, no i'm not. I'm just gonna rant a little bit. What's up with stalkers?

Like the people you know don't like you but stalk your Facebook page or your blog or your life? What do you do about them? Pretend they don't exist?

And why do you stalk people you don't like or talk to anymore? lol. We all do it.

I'm just wondering where the obsession with all of this comes from? Is that why Facebook and blogs and Twitter and Tumblr were all created? It's pretty easy to track someone down even if they've blocked you from viewing their "private" profile on Facebook. It's a guarantee you know someone who knows them. You know exactly how to casually ask, "Hey, how's that skank such-and-such doing?" except you don't use those kinds of names. Well hopefully anyway. Well hopefully you do.

The anger inside me is built up right now. My sister tells me anger is a disguised feeling of some underlying emotion, usually sadness, hurt or scaredness.

I wish I didn't have to wear ANYTHING with an elastic band for a waist. So that pretty much means i wish I didn't have to wear pants. Of any kind.  This might be contributing to my anger.

Not a lot of people know about this blog (YET) so it's safer than the super public one yet I know I'm being heard even if its only Jaime listening.

So there's some issues with some ladies I used to know.  One is super pissed at me because she thinks I spread rumors about her. It's completely untrue. I would totally feel more bad about it but I didn't do it. I just tried to write her on Facebook and I knew she wouldn't respond. But I know she got it! So it's irritating me. The other girl somewhat pretends that we're still friends because we have so many mutual ones. It's a weird situation. She's angry at me because I haven't come to see her baby. Which is totally legitimate. It's just kind of a long story. And then there's my mom who's pissed at me for asking someone else to host my baby shower because I got the distinct impression she didn't want to from various things she said to me. "I've hosted the last 2, isn't it your mother-in-laws turn?" There's more. But I'm just so grossed out really. I really try to figure out my part in these situations and even when I do I can't figure out why it's worth it for me to worry.

Whose blogs/Facebook pages/Twitters do you stalk? Don't lie. We know you do it.


  1. I wish I could just tell you to not worry soooo sooooo much, and you would do it...but you don't. So I'm telling you not to worry, but I know you'll keep on worrying anyway. But don't. Especially over people who don't care about your facebook feelings. Save worrying for real stuff. Ok? This way you still get to worry. I feel like I said worry too much.

  2. Yeah... F people and their stupidness. They are just jealous of you. Oh, & I stalk my exs and laugh because their lives suck without me. & me and shantel stalk skinny girls and laugh at all their ugly kissy faces and all the same poses. I love you... and Jaime :)
