What are those dang lyrics? Come to find out I've had them all wrong. I was always singing, "acid indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea". I knew I was missing something before that. Turns out the lyrics to the all famous Pepto Bismol commercial go like this: (well the important part):
:Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea"
It's 2 freakin 30 in the morning and that's what I'm looking up on the internet? Sounds shady to me. Well not if you're pregnant and miserable I guess. Ive pretty much had all these symptoms for all the months. But especially now. Any ladies with me? If not, you will be soon.
This post will definitely be a drop in the "complaint" department of the post office. Sorry.
I've never had it this bad. As in, this moment. I feel like I might be dying of a heart attack during some episodes. And then other times I get some relief when i let out a giant burp. I feel like this must be Gods punishment for... eating too much pizza? That's all I can figure because otherwise what is the point? Why would God allow this to happen to me? Lol.
A day later:
This is current time. I survived the night but not really well. I had an appointment with a doc in Phoenix that morning. I had to wake up at 6 a.m. to make it on time. There was no way. I was awake for 3 hours. Literally. No exaggeration. You know when you hear people say, "I was up all night with blah blah blah.." and really they were just in and out of sleep the whole night? No. For real I was wide awake. I would get up to get a drink of water, then lay down and almost vomit up fire, then I'd have to pee. Then I'd get another drink. Take some Tums, lay down, fire, pee, repeat. I even tried Tylenol. The pain all over my body was awful. Did I mention that I'm on my 4th UTI? It's so severe that it causes my uterus to be irritated and it extends to my back (kidneys). So all of this combined was not making for a happy night.
My sister, awesome that she is, after I told her I wasn't gonna make it for my appointment, called my doctors answering service (because the office is technically closed on Saturdays) and pretended to be me. She called me and said that if I could be there by 11, they'd totally see me. So we rushed. It was 8:30. We were out the door by 9 and my awesome husband made it there by 11. Fine. It was 11:10.
Anyway, this is becoming a long and drawn out sob story. Totally not my intention. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in your suffering from all the crappy stuff.
Watch a cute version of the song here.
:Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea"
It's 2 freakin 30 in the morning and that's what I'm looking up on the internet? Sounds shady to me. Well not if you're pregnant and miserable I guess. Ive pretty much had all these symptoms for all the months. But especially now. Any ladies with me? If not, you will be soon.
This post will definitely be a drop in the "complaint" department of the post office. Sorry.
I've never had it this bad. As in, this moment. I feel like I might be dying of a heart attack during some episodes. And then other times I get some relief when i let out a giant burp. I feel like this must be Gods punishment for... eating too much pizza? That's all I can figure because otherwise what is the point? Why would God allow this to happen to me? Lol.
A day later:
This is current time. I survived the night but not really well. I had an appointment with a doc in Phoenix that morning. I had to wake up at 6 a.m. to make it on time. There was no way. I was awake for 3 hours. Literally. No exaggeration. You know when you hear people say, "I was up all night with blah blah blah.." and really they were just in and out of sleep the whole night? No. For real I was wide awake. I would get up to get a drink of water, then lay down and almost vomit up fire, then I'd have to pee. Then I'd get another drink. Take some Tums, lay down, fire, pee, repeat. I even tried Tylenol. The pain all over my body was awful. Did I mention that I'm on my 4th UTI? It's so severe that it causes my uterus to be irritated and it extends to my back (kidneys). So all of this combined was not making for a happy night.
My sister, awesome that she is, after I told her I wasn't gonna make it for my appointment, called my doctors answering service (because the office is technically closed on Saturdays) and pretended to be me. She called me and said that if I could be there by 11, they'd totally see me. So we rushed. It was 8:30. We were out the door by 9 and my awesome husband made it there by 11. Fine. It was 11:10.
Anyway, this is becoming a long and drawn out sob story. Totally not my intention. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in your suffering from all the crappy stuff.
Watch a cute version of the song here.
I'm already feeling all those things too...or still with the nausea...thought that was supposed to stop by now. Maybe I'm just making up for not being sick at all with Croix! I couldn't take a nap the other day because of heartburn! Gah! All worth it in the end right?!?!