Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Couch Collection

This is a page for awesome couches. Because let's face it, what pregnant woman (or woman with kids, or a job, or a LIFE) doesn't think about a couch to sit on at the end of the day? Specifically cool, special, individual ones! Do you have one to add?

To Play or Not to Play

Do you use the pregnancy card? Do you draw it out in line at the grocery store when the baggers to politely offer to carry your bags out? Do you groan a little and say, "Geez that would be wonderful" or are you the one that bucks up and pretends, "No thank you, I've got it" when really, you totally don't? Do you use it at Wal-Mart and Target or wherever else there are battery operated shopping carts? Do you (or did you) use it to get out of chores around the house? Let's hear it.

Me personally, I play it all the time. Except sometimes. lol. I really have never been that person who uses it as an excuse not to do my own dishes, but this time around I think I've got the right. I've got the broken foot, a realllllly sore groin, and i'm on my 4th UTI. Basically, I would rather die than walk. Or move. Or do anything really.

Brand New Blog

This brand new blog is by Jaime and Lisa. Lisa and Jaime. We are the best of friends. She is in Arizona; I am in Pennsylvania. We are both, at the moment, pregnant. This blog is for happiness reasons and to hold ourselves accountable for our lives. Whatever that is supposed to mean.

This is a place where we can be as ridiculous as we want. We plan to make plans, do contests, play games, experiment with experiments, exude lots of silliness, star in cooking shows, and relay amusing anecdotes for us all to enjoy. All of which we want you to be a part of! Your opinions matter! Help us help you, and comment and brainstorm with us some ideas for us all to do!

Yippee Skippee!